To obtain any visa you must make a formal application and this means filling in paperwork and attaching copies of various required documents. Beyond proof of employment there are certain documents you must provide which vary from country to country. In all cases, make sure you have a valid passport and that it is not close to expiry. Other documentary requirements may include proof of qualifications such as educational certification, also biometric data, a valid marriage certificate, bank statements, salary slips, tax returns, details of investments, health reports a police check and more could all be required. There is potentially a lot of paperwork for a visa application, so be organized and keep a paper trail in a file so you know what you have sent to whom and when.
Why does Arab want to live in cities?
The most of the Arab people do like to live in cities, as there are several
advantages in the urban life. Most of the countries , people are interested
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11 years ago